5 Minutes
I miss analog clocks. Every time I see one, I go, “Wow…remember when that was the only clock…..” Does anyone even teach kids how to read analog anymore?
Nope…I’m not here to re-visit “the good ol days.” While analog is novel now, digital is much easier. It is direct. No different language. It cuts to the chase and gets to the point.
I’m here to say, “I don’t care who you are. You can find 5 minutes in a day.” (OK..you can find a lot more but I will just keep it there).
“So what? What can I do in 5 minutes?”
Wow! Don’t be so harsh! The answer is A LOT! If you devote just 5 minutes a day to something new….something that MIGHT be interesting…something that MIGHT NOT be interesting…just something new, you would be surprised at what a CONSISTENT 5 minutes can do.
Learn to juggle? Give it 5 minutes…just try it. Write with your non-dominant hand…for 5 minutes…every day…for 30 days (I had a week over week improvement in words per minute of about 100%…and there is a point to non-dominant hand writing. Hey, if nothing else, what if you break your dominant hand?) A new language? -OK..you may not get far…but you could learn a couple of new words every day until you are ready to commit to a more formal course of study
I could go on and on….go google ” 5 minutes a day ideas” …something will strike you…then do it for a couple of weeks. See where it takes you. I guarantee you will get more out of that than Game of Thrones…and Thrones takes an entire hour! (well…I am told…how long is an episode?)